ECOSOC - Oficina de Ecologia e Sociedade

Exhibition, Lecture, Film Session

Political Ecology: theory, research, action

March 25, 2015, 15h00

CES-Lisbon and CIUL-Centro de Informação Urbana de Lisboa (Picoas Plaza)


15h00 - 17h30 | Welcome reception and opening of the  interactive audiovisual exhibition
17h30 - 20h00
- Public Presentation of  Ecology and Society Workshop  (Stefania Barca, CES)
- Release of the map on environmental conflicts in Portugal: a partnership with CES/SOCIUS/CETEM (Sofia Bento, SOCIUS)
- Lecture: ‘Conflicts of ecologic distribution: theory, research, action' (Joan Martinez Alier, Universitat Autonoma Barcelona), followed by       Discussion (moderator: Luísa Schmidt, ICS)
 Venue: CIUL

21h30 - 23h00 | Film session with debate: Toxic Amazon, by Felipe Milanez (awarded with 'ONU Hero of the Forest' 2011) (moderator: Rita Serra, CES)
Venue: CES-Lisbon