Book presentation
«O Design em Portugal. Trabalho e economia criativa» by Pedro Quintela
March 14, 2025, 17h30
Liquidâmbar (Coimbra)
This book (Ed. Fora de Jogo, 2024) deals with creative labour, focusing on an exemplary area of the Cultural and Creative Sector and, in a broader sense, of the creative economy: graphic and communication design.
The history of design in Portugal makes it possible to investigate the development of spheres of production and work that are fundamental to contemporary socio-economic organisation. This book reveals how this is a diverse and heterogeneous area, with discourses, contexts and professional practises that have changed over time.
It also shows how the logic behind the constitution of this particular universe of the creative economy, qualified and symbolically recognised, was based on the dissemination of an ideology about labour relations, generally wrapped in seductive rhetoric, in which precariousness and mechanisms of self-exploitation predominate, framed and legitimised by the evolution of public policies for this sector. Fora de Jogo.
The presentation session will feature the author and sinterventions by Paula Abreu (FEUC/CES) and Nuno Coelho (DARQ/CEIS20).
This is a co-organisation of the Doctoral Programme in Sociology (FEUC) and the Thematic Line Urban cultures, sociabilities and participation (CES), with the support of the Liquidâmbar bar.