DemoJUST Doctoral Workshops
Justice, Human Rights and Democracy: Critical Perspectives and Legal Pluralisms
January 1 to December 31, 2025, 2025
The DemoJUST Doctoral Workshops aim to promote meetings between students enrolled in doctoral programmes and/or members of CES Working Groups, during which they can present and discuss their research topics among peers in an open, safe and critically constructive environment.
Based on a unifying theme entitled “Justice, Human Rights and Democracy: Critical Perspectives and Legal Pluralisms” - and with a theoretical and/or methodological focus close to the DemosJUST Research Group, each Workshop will have 3 doctoral students and 2 commentators as active participants, with the aim of fostering synergies with and between doctoral students, researchers and lecturers associated with CES. The workshops will last a maximum of 2 hours.
Activity within the research group Democracy, justice and human rights (DemoJUST)