Seminar | Masculinities in Debate

Gender (in)equity policies in Brazil: a debate on masculinities

Marcos Nascimento (Fundação Oswaldo Cruz / GENSEX)

March 7, 2024, 16h00

Room 1, CES | Alta + Online

Over the last two decades, we have seen both advances and setbacks in public policies that affect gender relations in Brazil. This conference aims to discuss, from three specific axes - violence against women, men's health and paternity - the marches and counter-marches in the debate on gender and masculinities in contemporary Brazil.

Bio note

Marcos Nascimento is a psychologist, doctor in public health and researcher at the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation. He teaches on the Postgraduate Programme in Child and Women's Health at Fiocruz's Fernandes Figueira Institute. Coordinator of GENSEX - Centre for Studies on Gender, Sexuality, and Health.


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