
Maps of Memory: a European post-colonial cartography

June 27, 2024, 9h30-13h00

Online event


Opening: Margarida Calafate Ribeiro (CES/ MAPS)

9h30| PANEL 1On colonial memories and post-memories in Europe
António Sousa Ribeiro (CES/ MAPS)
Graça dos Santos (CES/ MAPS, University of Paris-Nanterre)
Moderator: Margarida Calafate Ribeiro (CES/ MAPS)

10h15 | PANEL 2 - On Literatures and other discourses
Felipe Cammaert (CES/ MAPS, University of Aveiro)
Roberto Vecchi (CES/ MAPS, University of Bologna) 
Moderator: Graça dos Santos (CES/ MAPS, University of Paris-Nanterre)

11h00-11h15 - BREAK

11h15On the Arts and the Reimagining Europe platform 
António Pinto Ribeiro (CES, independent cultural programmer)
Bruno Machado (CES, MAPS)
Moderator: Fátima da Cruz Rodrigues (CES and Lusíada University, Porto)

11h45 – “In Memory of Memory: Interrogations and post-imperial testimonies
Margarida Calafate Ribeiro (CES/ MAPS), Fernanda Vilar (CES/ MAPS, UNESCO), Fátima da Cruz Rodrigues (CES and Lusíada University, Porto)
Moderator: Felipe Cammaert (CES/ MAPS, University of Aveiro)

12h30 - 13h00 – Closing debate
Moderator: António Sousa Ribeiro (CES/ MAPS)