
Poetry Slam as a social and pedagogical practice of decolonial deconstruction 

Andréia Mecca

Sara Vidal

February 22, 2024, 11h00 (GMT)

Online event

Poetry Slam is a championship that mixes spoken word poetry and performance. A popular jury evaluates poets, and the public can actively participate as a supportive community. Poetry Slam was created in 1986 by Marc Kelly Smith in a bar in suburban Chicago and quickly spread to various cities in Europe, Latin America, and Africa. In recent decades, it has gained prominence as an artistic, social, and political movement, as well as a tool for pedagogical expression around raising awareness of social and collective problems.

Through speech and active listening, historically excluded and silenced bodies and voices subvert and challenge institutionalised and elitist practises, especially with regard to the literary canon. The seminar aims to discuss Poetry Slam in the Portuguese context in order to address the educational, activist, social and communicative dimensions, as well as the methodological challenges encountered in fieldwork and the pressing need to foster decolonial dialogues in Portuguese society.

Research Presentation by Andréia Mecca (UFSCar/CES) and Sara Vidal (FLUC/CES)

Comments: Maria Giulia Pinheiro (FLUC/FEUC/CES)

Debate > Moderator: Marisa Ramos Gonçalves (CES)


Andréia Mecca is doing a post-doctoral internship at the Centre for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra in Portugal (CES/UC). PhD in Education from the Federal University of São Carlos (2022) with a doctoral internship at the Centre for Social Studies at the University of Coimbra in Portugal (CES-UC). Master's in Social Sciences from Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (2014). Graduated in Social Sciences from Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (2010). In 2012, 2013 and 2018, she taught in public schools and social projects. From 2014 to 2017, she worked as a coordinator and researcher with the Multidisciplinary and Integrated Centre for Studies, Training and Intervention in Solidarity Economy (NuMI- Ecosol) in the constitution, development and consolidation of economic and solidarity enterprises in the city of São Carlos.

Sara Vidal is a PhD candidate in the Feminist Studies Programme (FLUC/CES), developing a research project on Slam das Minas, funded by the FCT. She has a master's degree in African Studies from ISCTE-IUL, in the field of State and Politics. She has a degree in Anthropology from FCTUC. She worked in the field of cultural production and associations at Asociación Impara (Badajoz). She trained in techniques to “Support the victim/survivor of domestic violence” (by Planoi, in 2022). She published her first book “Memórias do Corpo e seus Ismos” (Memories of the Body and its Isms) by Urutau and in partnership with Caroline Ramos. In 2023, she took part in the Femme International Film Festival, in Porto, with the collective photographic project 'estecorpo', focused on the deconstruction of the body and identity.
Maria Giulia Pinheiro is a PhD candidate in the “Discourses: Culture, History and Society” programme (FLUC/FEUC/CES). She has a degree in Social Communication - Journalism from the Cásper Líbero Foundation and an acting degree from the Célia Helena Theatre School. She specialised in Screenwriting for TV at the International Film Academy and has a postgraduate degree in “Art in Education: theory and practice” - ECA/USP. She works as a poet, with five books published between Brazil and Europe, playwright, director, performer and spoken word artist. Her research focuses on performance, theatre, spoken word, discourse analysis, poetry slam and dramaturgy.


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