
Menopause on the tip of your tongue: de-medicalise to prevail

Cristina Mesquita de Oliveira (Comunidade de Saúde em Menopausa, Movimento Menopausa Divertida Portugal e VIDAs Associação Portuguesa de Menopausa)

January 11, 2024, 16h00

Room 1, CES | Alta

About: Ana Cristina Santos (CES) | Comments: Rosa Monteiro (FEUC/CES) | Moderator: Ana Lúcia Santos (CES)

Bio note

Cristina Mesquita De Oliveira | Author of Descomplicar a Menopausa  [Uncomplicating the Menopause] (2022) and founder of the Comunidade de Saúde em Menopausa [Menopause Health Community] Movimento Menopausa Divertida Portugal and VIDAs Associação Portuguesa de Menopausa (Portuguese Menopause Association). With a background from Social Sciences, she has a degree in Communication Sciences and a degree in Health Economics from the National School of Public Health at NOVA University, and was a former pharmaceutical industry professional for 34 years, with ongoing medical training in the CME-Continuing Medical Education register. Author of numerous publications on Menopause empowerment, she is a guest speaker at congresses, lectures, workshops, and debates in a variety of contexts. A menopause activist, she represents more than 50,000 menopause sufferers, including members and followers.

Activity within the scope of the research projects  Research project REMEMBER - Recording Experiences of LGBTQ Elders in Post-Dictatorship Portugal (1974-2020) [Funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology I.P./MCTES, ref.: PTDC/SOC-ASO/4911/2021] and TRACE - Tracing Queer Citizenship over Time: Ageing, ageism and age-related LGBTI+ politics in Europe (ERC Consolidator, GA 101044915)