
JUST QUALITIES - Do AI and standardization support an equal justice for all?  A two-way dialogue between the Global South and North

May 23, 2024, 9h30 (GMT +1)



9h30-10h00 | Opening session
Ana de Azeredo Coelho Fernandes da Silva (Juíza Desembargadora, Vogal do Conselho Superior da Magistratura)
Tiago Santos Pereira (Centro de Estudos Sociais/Observatório Permanente da Justiça)
João Pedroso (Doctoral Programme in Sociology of the State, Law and Justice)
Tatyana Teplova (Head of Division and Senior Counsellor for Gender Equality, Justice and Inclusiveness, OECD)

10h00-10h30 | AI and the justice system: opportunities, risks, and challenges
Daniela Piana (University of Bologna, Coordinator of the UNESCO Unitwin network Net Learning)

10h30-11h00 | AI and learning consequences for training systems
Jacqueline Bergeron (UNESCO Numérique et Apprentissages)

11h00-13h00 | AI and regulatory challenges around the world
Maria Manuel Leitão Marques (Member of the European Parliament)
Christian Byk (International Association of Law, Ethics and Science)
João Thiago de França Guerra (National Council of Justice, Brazil)
Vera Lúcia Raposo (Professor at Nova School of Law)
Moderation: Ruben Juvandes (Juiz de Direito, Adjunto do Gabinete de Apoio ao Vice-Presidente e aos Membros do Conselho Superior da Magistratura)

14h00-15h30 | AI and justice: how to balance the challenges for fundamental rights, efficiency, and quality of justice?
Anna Skrjabina (European Law Institute)
Raul Araújo (Retired Judge of the Constitutional Court, Full Professor at Agostinho Neto University, Angola)
José Joaquim Fernandes Oliveira Martins (Judge of Law, Portugal)
Valentin Callipel (University of Montreal, Head of Mission of the Cyberjustice Laboratory)
Moderation: Marina Henriques (Investigadora do Observatório Permanente da Justiça do Centro de Estudos Sociais da Universidade de Coimbra)

15h30-16h00 | Closing session: critical overview and topics for reflection
Marina Henriques (Permanent Observatory for Justice of the Centre for Social Studies)
Luca Verzelloni (University of Milano-Bicocca)

16h15-17h45 | Round table: Challenges for the use of artificial intelligence in the justice system in Portugal

In person/closed to invited participants
Around 10 participants: invited professionals, experts and policymakers