Workshop| Inter-thematic Group on Migrations (ITM-CES)

Immigrants, Golden Visa or Digital Nomads: practises of inclusion and exclusion in Portuguese migration law 

Emellin de Oliveira (CEDIS, NOVA School of Law)

February 20, 2024, 17h00 (GMT)

Online event

Moderator: Joana Sousa Ribeiro (CES)

The latest changes to the Portuguese Aliens Act have led to the political and legal emergence of various categories aimed at classifying immigrants according to the alleged motivations that make them apply for a residence permit to enter and stay in Portuguese territory. These differentiations range from the flexibility in presenting certain documents to the length of time required to stay in Portugal in order to renew the residence permit.

However, the consequence of this political and legal taxonomy is the continuation and deepening of practises of inclusion and exclusion, which can limit access to and/or the exercise of certain rights, including social rights. In this sense, this seminar aims, on the one hand, to highlight the main changes to the Portuguese Aliens Act to trace the creation and evolution of the political-legal classification of immigrants, and, on the other hand, to analyse how and to what extent this categorisation has allowed - and even fostered - practises of inclusion and exclusion in the application of the law, as well as in the social construction of each migratory group.

Finally, the session will critically reflect on the necessity and proportionality of such differentiations, highlighting an intersectional analysis of the obstacles faced in social integration and the possible relaxation of regulations for immigrant groups considered privileged. 

Bio note

Emellin de Oliveira is a Researcher at the Centre for Research & Development on Law and Society (CEDIS, NOVA School of Law), a Visiting Lecturer at the University of Coimbra and a PhD student at NOVA School of Law. She is also a registered lawyer in Portugal and Brazil, working mainly on immigration, asylum and human rights issues. In addition, Emellin is a member of the International Law Association's "International Migration and International Law Committee", representing the Portuguese Society of International Law, and is part of the MoveS network, as a national expert (Portugal) on intra-EU mobility. Since February 2022, she has been on the List of Experts of the European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA, formerly EASO). She is also Co-founder and Executive Coordinator of the NOVA Asylum Policy Lab (NOVA FCSH), as well as a member of the Personal Data Protection Observatory (NOVA School of Law), where she is responsible for the activities of the Research Line "Digital Borders - Data Protection, Surveillance, and Third Country Nationals in the EU". Her research interests centre on: immigration, asylum, databases for third country nationals, security and border control.


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Seminar Series | Inter-thematic Group on Migrations (ITM-CES)

Migration(s) and Global Crises