Complex thinking and artificial intelligence
October 28, 2024, 13h00-19h30 (GMT+1)
Link Part I
Meeting ID: 852 4449 0304 | Passcode: 928341
13:00-13:30 Welcoming and Overview:
- Requirements and challenges of a Complex Thinking framework
- The CT & AI project: Main steps and developments
- The CT & AI project: Prototype outcomes
Ana Teixeira de Melo
Complex Thinking & AI: Outcomes, challenges and reflections
Chair: Paula Duarte Lopes
13:30-13:45 Technical constraints, challenges and (potential) solutions
Philip Garnett and Leo Caves
13:45-13:55 Questions and Answers
13:55-14:05 Social representations of AI and complex thinking: a survey
Raquel Ribeiro and Filipe Santos
14:05-14:15 Questions and Answers
14:15-14:30 Lessons learned, future challenges and questions
Letícia Renault
14:30-14:40 Complex thinking and AI: Directions and Visions for the future
Ana Teixeira de Melo
14:40-14:50 Questions and Answers
14:50-15:00 Break
15:00-16:00 Discussion panel
Chair: Philip Garnett
Guest commentators: Carlos Gershenson, Tiago Santos Pereira, Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic, Seth Bullock
16:00:16:15 Break
Meeting ID: 838 1785 9209
Passcode: 623821
16:15-19:00 (with a break in between)
Key questions, challenges and opportunities for the integration of Complex Thinking and AI: Complex relational dialogues facilitated by the Relatoscope method.
Facilitation: Ana Teixeira de Melo, Leo Caves and Letícia Renault
19:00-19:20 Synthesis and process-focused reflexive comments
Chair: Paula Duarte Lopes, Letícia Renault, Leo Caves
19:20-19:30 Closure and looking ahead
Ana Teixeira de Melo and Philip Garnett
For the workshop part (PART II) participants are expected to have access to a robust internet connection. A collaborative online platform will be used to facilitate the discussion. It is recommended that participants use a computer and not a mobile phone connection. Participants are expected to keep their cameras on (exceptional circumstances will be considered) and have audio connection