
The power of water: The political ecology of floods in southern Brazil

June 25, 2024, 14h00

Room 2, CES | Alta

The extreme weather events in southern Brazil are raising questions about the socio-environmental and political-economic factors involved in what is considered an unprecedented regional crisis. To share information and reflect on the situations faced by populations around the world and create alliances of solidarity and support, the EcoSoc (Ecology and Society) group of the Centre for Social Studies is hosting Brazilian researchers and activists.

Registration: Suggested donation of 5 euros to support those affected by the floods in Rio Grande do Sul, via:


Roberto Villar (Ritter dos Reis University); Salete Carollo (Landless Workers' Movement - MST - Rio Grande do Sul); Marilia Veríssimo Veronese (Vale do Rio dos Sinos University - Unisinos)

Moderator: Sinara Sandri (Centre for Social Studies - CES, Coimbra)

Coordination: Ananda Martins Carvalho, Ana Paula Lemes de Souza, Gustavo García López, Eliane Sebeika Rapchan, Sinara Sandri, Joana Vaz Sousa (ECOSOC-CES)

Bio notes

Sinara Sandri: Journalist, PhD in Communication (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul), and post-doc researcher at CES.

Marilia Verissimo Veronese: Lecturer and researcher at the Unisinos Social Sciences programme.

Salete Carollo: Member of the National Directorate of the MST Rio Grande do Sul. She lives in an agrarian reform settlement in the municipality of Tapes - Rio Grande do Sul.

Roberto Villar: Journalist, PhD in Communication (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul). Professor of journalism at the Ritter dos Reis University in Porto Alegre. Member of the Environmental Journalism Research Group. A pioneer in covering environmental issues.