Seminar | Masculinities in Debate
Sexual violence in childhood: testimonial listening as a clinical and institutional device
Anamaria Neves (Universidade Federal de Uberlândia)
November 6, 2023, 16h30
Room 1, CES | Alta
Moderator: Tatiana Moura (CES)
Intrafamilial or incestuous sexual violence stands out as a phenomenon that perversely affects childhood and keeps it silenced in a sordid context of threat and suffering. The consequences of this type of violence cover physical and psychological aspects and produce significant rates of illness. This study aimed to discuss the traumatic impacts of incest in childhood and the importance of testimonial listening as a form of intervention and care in a public clinic specialising in the care of victims of sexual violence. Testimonial listening to children and their families, based on the precepts of psychoanalysis and in dialogue with other fields of knowledges, understands and recognises the suffering of child victims of incestuous sexual violence. It also addresses the impasses surrounding the production of truth and evidence in children's discourse. This study has allowed us to reflect on the importance of repositioning the bodies of the Protection Network in promoting qualified and humanised services for children who have been raped and their families. This includes the implementation of interdisciplinary intervention modalities and the production of care based on the refinement of listening to the child, with testimonial listening as an important clinical and institutional device.
Bio note
Anamaria Neves is a Full Professor at the Institute of Psychology at UFU - Federal University of Uberlândia. She has a degree in Psychology from UFU, a Masters in Psychology from the Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas (1996) and a PhD in Psychology from the University of São Paulo (2005). She did a post-doctorate at CWASU - Child and Woman Abuse Studies Unit, an institution linked to London Metropolitan University, in London (2009-2010), under the supervision of Dr Liz Kelly. She is currently doing a post-doctoral internship at CES - Centre for Social Studies, at the University of Coimbra, in Portugal (2023-2024), under the supervision of Tatiana Moura. Furthermore, she is a member of the NUAVIDAS outpatient clinic - Centre for Comprehensive Care for Victims of Sexual Assault (Hospital de Clínicas/UFU). Neves develops research projects and academic productions, including articles and book chapters based on psychoanalysis, with an emphasis on the themes of violence in the family, childhood and adolescence, vulnerability, suffering, and trauma. She is the author of the book “Família no singular, histórias no plural: a violência física de pais e mães contra filhos” (Family in the singular, stories in the plural: physical violence of fathers and mothers against children) (EDUFU) and co-author of the book “Violência, abandono e destituição do poder familiar: diálogo entre a Psicanálise e o Direito” (Violence, abandonment, and removal of family power: dialogues between psychoanalysis and law) (Appris).
Event under the series Masculinities in Debate