V International Seminar on the History of Hospital Architecture
Hospital Heritage and Healing Landscapes
September 6 to 8, 2023
Anatomical Amphiteatre of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Coimbra (Campus I)
Bio notes
Alessandra Capuano
Graduated in Architecture from the University of Rome La Sapienza (1977-1985); Master in Historic Preservation from Columbia University, New York, (1982-1984), PhD from Roma La Sapienza (1988-1991) and post-doctorate from the same university (1992-1994), where she has been Full Professor since 2015 and Head of the Department of Architecture and Project 2021. Lecturer hired at numerous North American universities, such as Cornell University, Penn State University, Ohio State University, Politecnico di Monterrey, California Polytechnic, Northeastern University, Toronto University, Pratt Institute, teaches at Laboratorio di Sintesi in Progettazione architettonica e del paesaggio in the Integrated Master in Architecture of Sapienza.She develops research in the Department of Architecture and Design, where she directs the "Babele. Città, Architettura, Natura" laboratory. It addresses issues related to urban and landscape design and contemporary architecture, with particular attention to the city of Rome and Italian architecture. Coordinates the University Research Project "ARCHAEOGRAB. Green network for sustainable mobility and public space projects for the enhancement of archaeological and natural heritage in the suburbs of the city of Rome" and the research project "Italy Builds Abroad. Architectures across the border 1945 - 1989". She was the national coordinator of PRIN 2015 “The city as a cure and the cure of the city”. She was Principal Investigator of the 2014 Sapienza Multidisciplinary Project "Lifestyles and urban enhancement in health prevention" and the 2013 Sapienza Research Project Award "Lifestyles and the city of the future".Author of more than 130 publications, including books, essays and articles, including #CURACITTÀ ROMA La Sapienza della cura urbana (2020 with A. Lanzetta); Streetscape Strade vitali, reti della mobilità sostenibile, vie verdi (2020); Stili di vita e città del futuro (2020, with F. Morgia).
Pedro Iglesias
PhD in architecture, with extensive professional experience in teaching and research. His career has focused on intervention in architectural heritage, with special dedication to hospital architecture. He participated in the renovation of the hospitals in Ávila and Logroño and designed various health facilities, including a new Pediatric Hospice in Madrid. His professional career includes important interventions in built heritage, which he has presented at various conferences and publications. Participated in projects funded by the European Commission on sustainability. Visiting Professor at TuDelft and the University of California at Berkley.
Daniela Arnaut
Architect (IST, 2004) and Invited Assistant Professor at Instituto Superior Técnico since 2009, where she teaches Diploma Project in the Integrated Master in Architecture and where she developed her PhD thesis in Architecture entitled “Health Buildings in Portugal (1927–1958). The healing space: between form and function”. An integrated member of the CiTUA research center at IST, she collaborated in the research project “Cure and Care_the rehabilitation” funded by FCT. Member of docomomo International and secretary of the International Specialist Committee (ISC) for Education+Training. In 2020, guest editor of the docomomo journal n62 “Cure and Care”, co-editor of publications under the Cure and Care project. In 2016, Executive Coordinator of the Workshop of the 14th International docomomo Conference, in Lisbon. Tutor of several docomomo workshops in Ljubljana (2018) and Tokyo (online, 2021). She collaborated with the atelier RISCO, and currently collaborates with the atelier Falcão de Campos Architects, and keeps an independent professional practice.
José Carlos Avelãs Nunes
José Carlos Avelãs Nunes is an Architect, PhD in Architecture from the University of Coimbra, with a thesis on the Architecture of Sanatoriums in Portugal, and a post-doctoral researcher at CIUHCT – Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon / FCT - Universidade NOVA de Lisboa. He is a collaborating researcher at CEIS20, at the University of Coimbra. He’s a researcher on the relationships between the historical and practical dimensions of architecture and science, the urban history of science, with a focus on the history of medicine and the history of architecture. He received the Victor de Sá Prize for Contemporary History (2018) and the “Lusitania” Prize from the Portuguese Academy of History (2022).
Carolina da Fonseca Lima Brasileiro
Architect and Urban Planner by the Federal University of Pernambuco (2009) and Master in Urban Development, line of research of Built Environment, by the same institution (2012), getting recognition by the University of Minho (2018). She is currently a doctoral student in the Doctoral Course in Architecture at the Department of Architecture at the Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Coimbra (FCTUC) and has a scholarship from the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT). The thesis, on Portuguese maternity hospitals, is hosted by the Center for Social Studies (CES) and is supervised by Professor Paulo Providência. She has experience in the area of Architecture and Urbanism, working mainly on the following topics: architecture and urbanism design, architecture of health facilities, architectural and urban morphology, conservation and requalification of buildings from the recent past.
Tiago Castela
Tiago Castela (Lisbon, 1974) is a historian of architecture and urbanism, and an architect. He holds a PhD in Architecture from the University of California, Berkeley. His external fields of study were planning anthropology and urban geography. He does research on spatial peripheries, with a focus on Portugal and southern Africa during late colonialism, between 1950 and 1980. He also investigates housing policy in the same period. He has a degree in Architecture from the Faculty of Architecture of the Technical University of Lisbon. He is a researcher at the Center for Social Studies at the University of Coimbra (CES-UC), and guest Assistant Professor at the Department of Architecture. At CES-UC, he coordinates the FCT exploratory research project "Regular o Rural Colonial", which focuses on the war settlements in Angola and Guinea-Bissau. Teaches doctoral seminars for the PhD in Architecture and doctoral seminars at CES and Economics Faculty (in Postcolonialisms and Global Citizenship, and in Cities and Urban Cultures.)
María de Lourdes Díaz Hernández
Graduated in Architecture with a Master's and PhD in History of Art. She began her career as a teaching assistant, later serving as a full-time professor and researcher at the Faculty of Architecture at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico (UNAM). Since then, she has cultivated two lines of research in the field of the History of Architecture of the 19th and 20th centuries. Cultural historical studies focused on the meaning of architecture for architects and society; and the historiographical ones, dedicated to the study of the press as a source for the History of Architecture in Mexico, from the beginning of the Modern Movement to the present day. From the first comes the interest in knowing the promoters, characters and/or actors involved in the management of architectural construction for various social, political and ideological purposes; while the latter led to studies on the production and sale spaces of the press: printers, newspaper buildings and post offices, in Mexico City. Almost all of the works were disseminated in academic seminars and publications edited by UNAM. She is a professor of the Bachelor of Architecture and has received awards and distinctions for her work.
Alicia Campos Gajardo
Architect graduated from the University of Chile. PhD in Architecture from the Polytechnic University of Madrid. Academic at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism at the University of Chile. Coordinator of the Diploma in Hospital Architecture and the Diploma in Evaluation and Management of Health Projects, which are offered at the same university. Researcher in the areas of history, theory and criticism of architecture, modern architecture, architectural heritage axiology, health architecture, 20th century housing. Development of joint work with institutions and organizations linked to the architectural heritage of health for the protection of relevant buildings, such as the Health Offices built by Caja del Seguro Obrero in the first half of the 20th century, the Grez Theater by Dr. José Horwitz Barak Psychiatric Institute, Hospital de Mercedes de Chimbarongo, among others. Member since 2014 of the Latin American Network of Researchers in Hospital Architecture. Author and co-author of books and university publications.
Antonio Coellos Rodriguez
Graduated in Archeology from the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos and graduated in history from the same university, he later took a master's degree in history at the same alma mater.Investigates themes of historical archeology and Inka, having excavated at the Royal Hospital of San Andrés in Lima, thanks to a grant from National Geographic and the University of Illinois at Chicago in 2005, as well as at Casa de la Columna, Convent of Santo Domingo, Villa and Santa Bárbara Mine (Huancavelica) and recently in 2022 at Casa de Riva Agüero. In the area of history, he investigates the themes of health, hygiene, hospitals, having published more than 20 articles related to these themes in scientific and popular magazines; he has also been an international speaker, with participation in the International Congress of Americanists, the National Congress of Archaeology in Argentina, and is a member of the Latin American Network of Researchers in Hospital Architecture.
Patrícia Ferreira
Patrícia Ferreira studied Biology and Science Communication and received a PhD in "Governance, Knowledge and Innovation - the Social Studies branch of Science and Technology". She is currently a post-doctoral researcher at CES-UC, integrating the thematic line "Risk(s), Ecologies, Health", and collaborating researcher at the Research Laboratory in Epidemiology and Social Determination of Health at the Evandro Chagas National Institute of Infectious Diseases (Fiocruz/Rio de Janeiro). From social studies on health and medicine, from medical anthropology and critical studies on global health, her interdisciplinary work focuses on knowledge and communication practices that intersect social and epidemiological research in the field of infectious diseases. She dedicates herself also to the dialogue between science and society in the fields of ecology, food and, more recently, gender equality.
Claudio Galeno-Ibaceta
Architect educated at the Catholic University of the North (UCN), Master and Doctor in Theory and History of Architecture, Polytechnic University of Catalonia. Associate professor at the UCN School of Architecture and director of the Master in Architecture in Arid Zones (MAZA). General Secretary of Docomomo Chile.His research focused on the architectural history and urban history of northern Chile. He is a co-researcher at Fondecyt 1221316: Modern architecture and the city: urban design facing the challenge of development, Chile 1930-1980. Some of his latest publications are: "Ricardo Pulgar and the great urbanistic impulse of the architecture of Antofagasta in the 50's" (UCN Ed., 2022); "Urban prophylaxis and architecture in the bubonic plague epidemic in northern Chile at the beginning of the 20th century" (Estudios Atacameños, 2022); “Arid zones, health and typologies: a Chilean laboratory of hospitals” (Docomomo International, 2021).
Paulo Providência
Degree in Architecture from the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto (1988) and a PhD from the University of Coimbra (2007). He is an Associate Professor in Architecture at the UC, directing a 5th year Design Studio, dedicated to designing archaeological environments with a landscape impact, and supervising Master's and Doctoral theses. He is local coordinator of the European Master in Architecture, Landscape and Archeology, a program developed with the Universities of Rome Sapienza, Federico II of Naples, Technic of Athens and Coimbra. He has published in the areas of teaching and pedagogical practices of architecture design, architecture of health facilities, hospital heritage, and design. Collaborated in the CuCa_RE Research Project with Ana Tostões as IR.
Renato Gama-Rosa Costa
Architect and Urban Planner from the Fluminense Federal University, with a Master's Degree in Architecture and a Doctorate in Urbanism from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, and a Post-Doctorate from the Center for Social Studies at the University of Coimbra. Permanent professor of the Professional Master's Degree in Preservation and Management of the Cultural Heritage of Science and Health, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz/Fiocruz. Researcher and Head of the Historical Heritage Department at Casa de Oswaldo Cruz/Fiocruz.
Lilia González Servín
PhD in Architecture from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). Professor (1982) and researcher (1995) at the Faculty of Architecture, Center for Research in Architecture, Urbanism and Landscape (Theory, History and Research; line: hospital architecture). Research in health, education and housing. Project Manager (2009-2022): 19th Century Architecture in Mexico and Evolution and Retrospective of Architecture for Health in Ibero and Latin America; founding member of the Latin American Network of Historians of Hospital Architecture (researchers from 22 institutions in seven countries), and the International Seminar on the History of Hospital Architecture.
She has individual and collective publications on theory, history, teaching and practice of architecture that has been disseminated nationally and internationally. She taught literacy to adults in communities, collaborated with the Center for Secondary Education Studies and organized workshops for women in popular neighborhoods. She held various positions in public and private institutions; and exhibited, individually and collectively, art works with writings in national forums.
Antonio Rodríguez Alcalá
Doctor in Architecture with Honorable Mention from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) in 2012. He collaborated in research, projects and restoration and conservation works of the built cultural heritage of Yucatan and other states of Mexico. His professional recognitions include: Honorable Mention at the ENEA (National Meeting of Architecture Students) and UNAM's Alberto J. Pani design competition, Mexican Academy of Sciences Award for the best Doctoral Thesis in Humanities, “Francisco de la Maza”, INAH, UNAM “Alfonso Caso” Silver Medal, among others. Founded, with Dr. John Chuchiak Præteritas Urbes, a technology-based consulting firm and cultural projects with active projects in the US, Guatemala and Mexico.He has been a speaker at national and international events on various topics such as heritage conservation, architecture teaching, architectural design, among others, at the National School of Restoration (ENCRyM), ETSAB Madrid, Universidad de Oriente (Santiago de Cuba), Universidad Francisco de Vitoria (Madrid), Prague Czech Republic, Missouri State University (USA), CIPA Ottawa 2017 ICOMOS (Canada), University of Chile, UBA (Buenos Aires), CIPA 2019 Ávila Spain, CIPA 2021 Beijing China, etc. He is an adjunct faculty member at Missouri State University (USA). He is currently a full-time professor-researcher at the School of Architecture at the Universidad Anáhuac Mayab and a member of the National System of Researchers (SNI-1).
Adriana Ruiz Razura
Architect from the University of Guadalajara, Master in History and Doctor in Humanities and Arts from the Autonomous University of Zacatecas.Full-time researcher professor at the UdG, Member of the National System of Researchers level 2. Founding coordinator of the Master in Management and Cultural Development at the UDG since 2005, a graduate program selected among the best graduate programs in the world according to Eduniversal Best Master Programs. President of the Meritorious Society of Geography and Statistics of the State of Jalisco 2020-2021. Jalisco Humanism Award 2019. Citizen of the Republic 2020. Success in Academic Excellence Award 2021. International speaker with more than 15 books published on historical research.
David Zarate Weber
Architect from the University of Guadalajara (UDG), specializing in Restoration of Monuments and Rehabilitation of Historic Centers by Kunst Aakademiet, Copenhagen, Denmark; Master in Conservation of Built Heritage UDG; PhD in City, Territory and Sustainability UDG; member of the Academic Body in Cultural Heritage Management, member of the Latin American Network of Researchers in Hospital Architecture, UNAM. Member of the National System of Investigators of Mexico (SNI).Publications: journal articles and books specialized in the history of architecture and urbanism and conservation of built heritage. Restoration projects: Church of Our Lady of Health in Hostotipaquillo, Jalisco, Secondary School of Jalisco, Octavio Paz Ibero-American Library, Guadalajara, Former Franciscan Convent of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Sayula, Jalisco, Karam House, American Colony, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Jalisco State Declaration of Cultural Heritage of the former Fray Antonio Alcalde Civil Hospital in Guadalajara, Jalisco.