IN SITU Webinar series | N. 2
How can CCI innovation ecosystems be fostered in non-urban areas?
30 de outubro de 2023, 13h30-15h30 (GMT)
Evento em formato digital
This webinar is the second event in the IN SITU webinar series, “Creative vitality in non-urban areas?,” and focuses on features of innovation ecosystems to support and propel cultural and creative work in non-urban areas. In this context, innovation is defined broadly to incoporate economic, social, and soft innovation.
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Hosted by Carolina Castaldi, (UU) Utrecht University - IN SITU Consortium partner - the webinar is planned to include presentations and discussions with Tim Wojan, a member of the IN SITU International Advisory Board; recent findings of researchers from Utrecht University; insights from the RURITAGE and FLIARA European projects, and considerations from the EMES Nework on social innovation and social enterprise.
The IN SITU Webinar series addresses key themes that support the work of cultural and creative ecosystems in non-urban areas in Europe. We are bringing together EU research projects, cultural and creative organisations and projects, and IN SITU partners and advisors to share their experiences, learn from their insights and knowledge, discuss challenges and ongoing issues, and build forward informed by the work of previous and concurrent research projects and other initiatives.
The first webinar, “What contributes to the viability of creative small-scale enterprises (CCIs) in non-urban areas?,” was held 28 September 2023.
The third webinar, "How does cultural and creative work contribute to place-based sustainability and resiliency?,” will be held 5 December 2023.
The IN SITU project, “Place-based innovation of cultural and creative industries in non-urban areas,” combines research and experimental actions to advance the innovation-related practices capacities and potential of cultural and creative industries (CCIs) based in non-urban areas of the EU. The project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 101061747.
For more information about the IN SITU project, visit:
1. Introduction (3 mins)
Nancy Duxbury (CES) | IN SITU project presentation and the Webinar series
2. Presentation of webinar #2 - and different types of innovation (10+ mins)
Hosted by Carolina Castaldi (Utrecht University) - IN SITU Consortium partner
3. Talking with our Guests
3.1 introductions (3 min. each x 5) 15 min.
3.2 Presentations (10 min. each) 50 min.:
RURITAGE - Simona Tondelli (Univ. of Bologna)
FLIARA - Maura Farrell (Univ. of Galway)
IN SITU - Nicola Cortinovis / Milene Tessarin (Utrecht University)
Tim Wojan (National Science Foundation, USA)
EMES Network on social innovation and social enterprise - Rocio Nogales
Questions after each presentation (5 min.+)
4. General discussion /wrap-up …
5. Conclusions and next webinar(s) (5 min)
Nancy Duxbury (CES) | IN SITU