Antifeminism, religion and freedom of choice

Isabel Felix

Monise Martinez

January 18, 2023, 17h00 (GMT)

Online event

Moderator:  Teresa Toldy (UFP/CES)


One of the most evident forms of antifeminism associated with religion and conservatism manifests itself (as it always has) in the discussion, prohibition and penalisation of women's reproductive rights. Last June, the United States Supreme Court put an end to the constitutional right to abortion in the country, overturning the “Roe” case, which triggered reactions of approval by authorities and conservative religious communities, but also a wave of protest in the country and concern in other countries, as it is another sign of the backlash to women's rights that manifests itself in various regions of the globe. In this sense, it is relevant that we also hear women's voices from other countries, namely countries with restrictive laws or even no legislation related to abortion. From the Brazilian context, this webinar intends, on one hand, to address the role of women who claim to be antifeminist and participate in ultraconservative movements and initiatives against women's rights and, on the other hand, to address forms of resistance to movements restricting women's rights, including by women belonging to religious communities and fighting for the recognition of the “right to choose”.

Bio notes
Isabel Felix
| Pedagogue. Master's and Doctorate Degree in Religious Sciences from the Methodist University of São Paulo - Brazil. Teacher in the area of Education in the Pedagogy course at UNIESP, in the city of Caieiras, São Paulo State - Brazil. She works especially with the disciplines Gender and Sexuality in Education, Education and Cultural Diversity. As a theology teacher she has worked with the disciplines of Biblical Studies and other sacred texts as well as Theology and Science. As a visiting professor at the Postgraduate Programme of the Methodist University of São Paulo (May 2016) she worked with the subject Feminist Theologies: contextual and postcolonial dialogues in theology and Religion Sciences. In Popular Education she coordinated an Adult Literacy Project in the Municipality of Franco da Rocha, São Paulo. Currently she is a post-doctoral researcher at the Centre for Social Studies at the University of Coimbra, where she is part of the Research Group on the Study of Democracy, Citizenship and Law and develops a research project entitled: "Sede submissos uns aos outros no temor de Cristo" - Uma análise retórico-crítica dos códigos domésticos de Colossenses e Efésios e de suas interpretações pentecostais contemporânea” [Be subject to one another in the fear of Christ - A rhetorical-critical analysis of the domestic codes of Colossians and Ephesians and their contemporary Pentecostal interpretations]. With funding from CAPES. Interested especially in Methodology and Hermeneutics, Religion and Human Rights and in the relationship between Cultural Studies, Feminist Studies and an anthropological hermeneutics of sacred, and other, texts.

Monise Martinez | PhD candidate in Feminist Studies, book editor, copy editor and content producer of didactic materials. She works at the intersection of Feminist Studies, Communication and Media, and Sociology of Religion. She is currently dedicated to studies on the midiatisation of the Brazilian religious field and anti-feminism in a Pentecostal context, and is a member of the POLICREDOS WG: Religions and Society (CES). In editing, she has experience with the conception/production of collections of didactic books approved by PNLD-Brazil, with the conception/production of books and educational materials aimed at raising awareness on gender issues idealised by feminist organisations. She is also interested in cultural themes and actions in the field of literature, participating and organising literary events, literary occupations and publications to sensitise people around feminist, anti-racist and anti-colonial themes.


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