
Youth resistance, dictatorships and politics of memory.  The assassination of Ribeiro Santos on October 12, 1972

October 10 and 11, 2022

Arquivo Nacional da Torre do Tombo (Lisbon)


Fifty years after a defining moment, the assassination by the PIDE-DGS of the law student José António Ribeiro Santos, it is a matter of questioning the role of youth resistance - students and workers, because opposition to the colonial war brought them together -, listening to the memory of contemporaries and understanding the legacy of Ribeiro Santos today, situating the global role of youth born after the war, and understanding the politics of memory (and forgetfulness) of democracies regarding those who resisted dictatorships, of which they are heirs. Starting from the assassination of the young Maoist in Portugal, it investigates the youth struggles against dictatorships in southern Europe and Latin America, bringing together memory and research, accounts of experiences and research.

Organisers: Institute of Contemporary History (IHC) - NOVA FCSH and Centre for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra

Support: Arquivo Nacional da Torre do Tombo, Associação Académica da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa, Associação Popular Ribeiro Santos, Centro de Estudos Operários–Memória Laboral, Comissão Oficial de Comemoração do 25 de Abril, Cultra, Transform, Abril é Agora, Grupo de Trabalho do Consejo Latino-Americano de Ciencias Sociales “Izquierdas: praxis y transformación social", Movimento Cívico Não Apaguem a memória, Museu do Aljube, Red(e) Ibero-americana Resistência e/y Memória, União de Resistentes Antifascistas Portugueses