
Decommodifying work? from employment (in)security to social protection

March 24, 2022, 9h45-18h00

Auditorium B2.03, ISCTE, IUL (Lisbon)


This colloquium aims to make a transversal reading of the recent impacts of the social and economic crises on people's labour and social conditions, on the forms of action of public policies, and on the greater or lesser vulnerabilities that affect the territories. In addition to mapping the imbalances that affect labour markets, the aim is also to reflect on viable alternatives that include greater universal access to quality employment. The colloquium is organised into four panels. The first two panels will present the results of ongoing research related, on the one hand, to the study of the reconfigurations produced in the labour markets (in Portugal and in the EU) as a result of the recent dynamics of employment, unemployment and job insecurity and, on the other hand, to the analysis of the modalities of implementation of employment and social protection policies in different time periods and different geographical contexts.

The third panel is dedicated to the Job Guarantee agenda, in the context of the transition to a green and sustainable economy, based on the communication of the political economist Eduardo Garzón (Autonomous University of Madrid).

The last panel presents an exploratory approach to understand how the existence of certain vulnerabilities in the pre-crisis moment led to different impacts of the pandemic on the territories in Portugal. Starting from the municipal scale, the analysis defines a typology of vulnerable territories according to the degrees of exposure and susceptibility they incorporate.

The colloquium ends with the presentation and discussion of the web documentary "Demasiado Novo para ser Velho” [Too young to be old], which brings together 6 life stories, described in the first person, of workers and unemployed people who struggle every day to survive and not fall into situations of extreme deprivation and social vulnerability. The colloquium is part of the project "EmployALL - The employment crisis and the Social State in Portugal: arresting the production of social vulnerabilities and inequalities" (reference PTDC/SOC-SOC/30543/2017) funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology through national funds.