
Social control, violence and substance trafficking: dialogues between Portugal and Brazil

Haydée Caruso

Mayalu Matos Silva

March 16, 2022, 15h00

Room 1, CES | Alta


Tendo por ponto de partida o modo como o combate ao tráfico de substâncias ilícitas assume centralidade nas políticas de segurança de saúde, assim espelhando as estruturas de exclusões marcadas pelo género, pela classe e pela racialização, este seminário promove um diálogo entre as realidades do Brasil e de Portugal. 

Taking as a starting point the way in which the fight against the trafficking of illicit substances assumes centrality in health security policies, thus mirroring the structures of exclusion marked by gender, class and racialisation, this seminar promotes a dialogue between the realities of Brazil and Portugal. 

Speakers: Haydée Caruso (University of Brasilia) and Mayalu Matos Silva (Osvaldo Cruz Foundation)

Comments: Bruno Sena Martins (CES) and Tatiana Moura (CES/Promundo)

Bio notes

Haydée Caruso | Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Brasilia. She is a research productivity fellow at CNPq. She was a post-doctoral visiting researcher at the Centre for Social Studies at the University of Coimbra (2017/2018). She is the author of the book "Entre ruas, becos e esquinas: a construção da ordem na Lapa Carioca". Ed.UnB (2016). She holds a PhD (2009) and a Master's degree (2004) in Anthropology from the Federal Fluminense University. She has a postgraduate degree in Public Policies of Criminal Justice and Public Security (2001). She works in the areas of Sociology of Violence, Urban Anthropology and Anthropology of Law, with emphasis on the following themes: public security, conflict management, violence in school environments, police culture and youth. In 2015 she founded the Lélia Gonzalez Sociology Teaching Lab at the University of Brasilia. She was a civil servant at the Ministry of Justice (2009-2011) of Brazil where she coordinated the National Network of Advanced Studies in Public Security - RENAESP. She is a researcher at the Center for Studies on Violence and Security - NEVIS at UnB and an associate researcher at the Institute for Comparative Studies in Institutional Administration of Conflict (INCT-INEAC) at the Federal Fluminense University. In 2014 she received recognition from UNLIREC- United Nations Regional Centre for Peace, Disarmament and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean for her contribution as an agent of change in public security and disarmament issues in Brazil.

Mayalu Matos Silva | Psychologist, Master in Social Medicine (IMS/UERJ) and PhD candidate in Public Health, works as a researcher at the Jorge Careli Department of Studies on Violence and Health: CLAVES/ENSP/FIOCRUZ, in the area of violence and health. She is executive coordinator of the Institutional Programme of Intersectorial Articulation in Violence and Health at Fiocruz. She has experience in collective health, human rights, social cooperation, public policies and culture, with special interest in mental health, drug policy, firearms, racism, networks to combat violence and social movements. PhD candidate in Public Health at Fiocruz with a doctoral internship currently being conducted at CES-UC.