
Contacts between Anthropology of Performance and Epistemologies of the South for research in Traditional Cultures 

Daniela Beny (Universidade Federal da Bahia)

February 2 and 3, 2022, 14h00-17h00 (GMT)

Online event

Moderator: Susana de Noronha (CES)

This workshop aims to share with the participants, even if in an introductory way, how aspects pointed out by Richard Schechner in the field of Anthropology of Performance and concepts about Epistemologies of the South proposed by Boaventura de Sousa Santos, can present discussion points for researches in the field of traditional cultural practices. We will also approach Brazilian authors who, in their investigations within the field of arts and education, seek to produce knowledge based on popular knowledges in traditional communities. This workshop was developed on the basis of the investigations of the master's and doctoral studies of the trainer, Daniela Beny (Federal University of Bahia) and is part of the activities of the doctoral internship during her stay at the CES/UC. At the end of the registration period, the basic texts of the workshop will be made available to the participants so that they can familiarize themselves with the discussions during the course.

- To share specific research approaches with the participants; 
- To present Brazilian authors that dialogue directly with the Epistemologies of the South;
- To propose dialogues between Brazil and Portugal, as well as with the academic community from other countries that integrate CES activities on academic research in field of the arts and popular cultures. 

Students and researchers in the field of Social Sciences, Arts, Psychology and similiar areas.

[Free but compulsory registrations]


Biliographic References

SANTOS, Boaventura de Sousa. Construindo as Epistemologias do Sul: Antologia Esencial Volume I. Buenos Aires: CLACSO, 2018.

JÚNIOR, Will. PEREIRA, Linconly Jesus Alencar. Encruzilhadas da educação: as epistemologias de terreiros em práticas pedagógicas contracoloniais nos caminhos de implementação da lei 10.639/03 In: Dossiê religiões de matrizes africanas: educação, políticas públicas e laicidade/N’UMBUNTU EM REVISTA – Universidade Federal do Sul e Sudeste do Pará (Unifesspa)/ Universidade da Integração Internacional da Lusofonia Afro-Brasileira (Unilab-CE). v. 3, n. 6, jul./dez. Fortaleza: Imprece, 2020.

LIGIERO, Zeca. O conceito de “motrizes culturais” aplicado às práticas performativas afro-brasileiras. In: Revista Pós Ciências Sociais, Maranhão – v.8, n. 16, 2011b.

MARTINS, Leda Maria. Performances da Oralitura: corpo, lugar da memória. In: Revista Letras, Santa Maria - v. 30, n. 60, p. 63 – 81, jan./jun. 2020.

RUFINO, Luiz. Pedagogias das Encruzilhadas. In: Revista Periferia, Rio de Janeiro – v. 10, n.1, p 71-88, Jan./Jun.2018.

SCHECHNER, Richard. O que é performance?. In O Percevejo, ano 11, n. 12, p. 25- 50, 2003.