
“I’m a quota holder, so what?”: application and effectiveness of quotas as public policies of affirmative action for racial inclusion

Lucimar Borges (CES)

April 19, 2021, 15h30 (GMT +01:00)

Online event


This seminar will present some of the results of the doctoral research carried out by Lucimar Borges, under which she researched the application and effectiveness of quotas in three public Brazilian universities.  In the first thematic axis - application of quotas - she considered the process of racially stigmatised socialisation by being black and a quota holder. In the second thematic axis - effectiveness of the quotas – she worked with the response to the stigmas, which would be accomplished by an identity affirmation, such as "I am a quota-holder, so what?

It will, thus, discuss the stigmatized racial relations among black quota students in their relations with white students and professors, pointing out how the university still remains white and elitist.


Lucimar Borges (PhD canidadate in the Doctoral Programme 'Law, Justice and Citizenship in the 21st Century', CES/UC - Defence to be carried out )

Comments: Claudete Gomes Soares (Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul - UFFS) and Jessica Bruno (PhD canidadate in the Doctoral Programme 'Post-Colonialisms and Global Citizenship' CES/UC)

Moderator: Patrícia Branco (CES)


This activity will be accessible through the Zoom platform and will be limited to number of available places:
ID da reunião: 868 5466 2101 | Senha de acesso: 188373

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