
Restitution and Memorialization in the Shadow of Decolonization

January 29, 2021, 15h00-17h00 (GMT)



The disparate use of the umbrella terms decolonization and reparations poses the risk of writing off Black histories of resistance and overcoming. This is specially the case when international organizations such as the UNESCO and ICOM co-opt current debates about restitution and memorialization into their institutional agendas. In contrast to what their re-search reports suggest, claims for freedom and compensation for enslavement predate modern abolitionism, and demands for the restitution of looted artefacts and stolen lands were coterminous with military colonialism. At the same time, cultural critics have begun to overlook that the #RhodesMustFall movement preceded the latest iconoclastic protests in the US and Europe. In the face of this triple erasure, this roundtable will discuss the rele-vance of past claims to inform ongoing discussions concerning the politics of memory and memorialization.

Speakers: Ana Lucia Araujo (Howard University), Beatriz Gomes Dias (MP), Dan Hicks (Oxford University), and George Mahashe (University of Cape Town');
Chair: Maria Elena Indelicato (Coimbra University - CES);
Discussants: Gaia Giuliani (Coimbra University - CES) and João Figueiredo (Nova University – CEDIS).

This event is organised by Maria Elena Indelicato (Coimbra University - CES) and João Figueiredo (Nova University – CEDIS), in collaboration with DJASS and (De)Othering (FCT)

Organização: Maria Elena Indelicato (Universidade de Coimbra-CES) e João Figueiredo (Nova Lisboa -CEDIS), em colaboração com a DJASS – Associação de Afrodescendentes e projeto (De)Othering (FCT).

Registration is free, but mandatory

Activity within the research projects «(De)Othering | Deconstructing Risk and Otherness: hegemonic scripts and counter-narratives on migrants/refugees and 'internal Others' in Portuguese and European mediascapes» (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-029997), «LEGALPL: Legal pluralism in the Portuguese Empire (18th–20th century)» (PTDC/DIR-OUT/30873/2017) and «A Colonial History of Anti-Racism in Education: Anthropology, Race Displacement and Knowledge Transliteration» (CEECIND/03945/2018).


This activity will be accessible through the Zoom platform and will be limited to number of available places.

We appreciate that all participants keep the microphone muted until the moment(s) of debate. The host of the session reserves the right to expel the participant who does not respect the rules of the room.

Online open access activities such as this one do not grant a declaration of participation since such document will only be provided in events that provide for prior registration and controlled access.