International Colloquium

Public Policies and Anti-Corruption Strategies 

December 2, 2021, 09h30-17h00

Auditorium 2, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (Lisbon)


The growing social, media and political concern with the phenomenon of corruption has broadened the boundaries of the debate on its prevention and combat beyond the legal and criminal policy universe, transforming it into a priority public policy issue for the governments of democratic States governed by the rule of law. The definition and implementation of good preventive practices now require the definition of specific policies, transversal to the entire public sector, which include active measures, whether in the governance models of organisations, suitable to prevent corruption, or in the relationship and supervision with private sector actors.

In Portugal, the National Anti-Corruption Strategy, approved in 2021, marks the adherence to a new paradigm of public policy to combat corruption. In this vein, it seems essential, on the one hand, to understand whether the formula found in the National Strategy corresponds to international public policy models and, on the other, to reflect on whether the specific motivations and main thrusts of the National Strategy are being implemented or not, seeking a critical assessment of its effective application.


Interdisciplinary Meetings | Barometer of the Implementation of the National Anti-Corruption Strategies (BeNAC)

Pathways to Corruption