Radio Show

Há Vida(s) nesta Cidade! #3 with Licínia Simão and Maria Raquel Freire

May 29, 2021, 14h00 (GMT+1)

Rádio Universidade de Coimbra


Isabel Simões, Inês Nascimento Rodrigues, Júlia Garraio e Vasco Martins talk with Licínia Simão e Maria Raquel Freire  about Russia and its relationships with the West.

Terceiro programa de uma parceria entre a Rádio Universidade de Coimbra e o Centro de Estudos Sociais (CES), no âmbito da investigação desenvolvida pelo NHUMEP - Núcleo de Humanidades, Migrações e Estudos para a Paz. Esta colaboração efetiva-se no programa Há Vida(s) Nesta Cidade!, de Isabel Simões, e terá lugar no último sábado de cada mês, a partir das 14h00.

Third programme of a partnership between Radio Universidade de Coimbra and the Centre for Social Studies (CES), within the scope of the research developed by NHUMEP | Humanities, Migrations and Peace Studies Research Group. This collaboration is conducted through the  programme "Há Vida(s) Nesta Cidade!", directed by Isabel Simões, and will take place on the last Saturday of each month, starting at 2pm.

The programme can be heard live at

Bio notes

Licínia Simão
, PhD in International Relations (specialization in European Studies) by the University of Coimbra, is assistant professor at the School of Economics, University of Coimbra, teaching in International Relations, and researcher at the Centre for Social Studies, where she is involved in several research projects on the post-Soviet space. Since December, 2018, she is on official duty as a staff member in the office of the Portuguese Minister of Defence. She is the current Coordinator of the IR Section at the Portuguese Political Science Association and member of the Advisory Board at the Georgian Institute of Politics, in Tbilisi. She was previously a visiting researcher at the Center for European Policy Studies, in Brussels and at the Centre for European Studies, at Carleton University, in Ottawa. Her research interests include foreign policy analysis and security studies, with a focus on European foreign policy and the former-Soviet space. Her most recent publication is the the book "The EU's Neighbourhood Policy towards the South Caucasus: Expanding the European Security Community" (Palgrave Macmillan, 2018).

Maria Raquel Freire, PhD in International Relations from the University of Kent, UK, in 2002, is researcher at the Centre for Social Studies, at the Humanities, Migration and Peace Studies Group (NHUMEP), and Professor of International Relations at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra. She lectures at the undergraduate and graduate levels in International Relations, including the MA in Peace, Security and Development Studies, and the PhD in International Politics and Conflict Resolution. She is the Coordinator of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence at the University of Coimbra (Peace Relations, Ontologies and Narratives in Europe: EU and its Eastern Neighbours | PRONE), involving colleagues from the Faculties of Economics, Arts and Science and Technology. She is also Visiting Professor in the Post-Graduate Programme in International Relations, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil. She is President of the Assembly of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra, and a member of the Scientific Council for Social Sciences and Humanities of the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology. Her research interests focus on peace studies, particularly peacekeeping and peacebuilding; foreign policy, international security, Russia and the post-Soviet space. She has published extensively on these topics.