Seminar #5 | «Deconfined Talks II»

Food waste: why it worries us and why do we struggle against it?

Andrés Spognardi (CES)

June 29, 2021, 16h00 (GMT +01:00)

Online event

Comments: Teresa Cunha (CES) | Moderator: Paula Sequeiros (CES)


According to FAO estimates, around a third of the world food prodution goes to waste annually. In recet years the problem reached the pinnacle of national and international policies agendas. In 2015, The United Nations Agenda for Sustainable Development set the goal to reduce in half food waste per capita in the course of 15 years. Also in 2015, the European Commission established the main guidelines for the community strategy, based on the notion of Circular Economy. Complying with European political guidelines, in 2016, Portugal created the National Commission for the Fight Against Food Waste (CNCDA), which outlined its own plan to tackle the problem. 

The problem with large level food waste is not, however, new. Its origins are closely tied to the increase in production enabled, mostly, by technological advances developed during the second half of the last century. If the problem isn't new, why are governmental authorities only recently concerned?

This seminar will disccus the plausible answers to this question and analyse, critically, the bases for the public policies that have been implemented. 


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Webinar Series

Deconfined Talks II