
Methodological challenges in the pandemic

April 8, 2021, 14h30 (GMT +01:00)

Online event


The series Roundtable of Knowledges intends to promote a space for inter and transdisciplinary dialogue centred on the methodological landscape that characterises research at CES. Thinking of a way to broaden this dialogue and facilitate positive and productive interactions between the series' participants, the Roundtable of Knowledges are constituted as informal moments of sharing experiences between CES researchers, aiming to potentiate the interactions between all those involved.

The fifth Roundtable proposes a conversation about "Methodological challenges and the pandemic". We invite researchers to participate in a collaborative, reflexive and critical discussion about the obstacles and the opportunities emerging from the pandemic context for research, approached as an invitation to rethink methods and methodologies. We will organise the discussion around questions such as:

How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected our research practices and programmes?
How have we dealt with, and circumvented, the obstacles and how have we reorganised ourselves in the face of negative impacts?
What findings and opportunities have been or can be exploited in the pandemic context vis-à-vis enriching our methodological tools, notably for a post-pandemic context? What opportunities can be explored, what resources and strategies can ensure continuity or lead to the reinvention of our practices?
What can we rethink in our research practices, looking critically at the aspects that the pandemic has uncovered?

We invited colleague Marisa Ramos Gonçalves to share her personal experience, to which we added other reflections as starting points and inspiration for discussion:

In this second meeting to be held online, we invite you to join us and participate with some reflection or testimony on the subject.

Because this is intended to be a moment of conviviality and informal discussion, and because the best ideas often emerge around the table, we suggest that you bring a drink or food to our "virtual table", for a refreshment shared at a distance.


This activity will be accessible through the Zoom platform and will be limited to number of available places:
ID da reunião: 885 6167 0995 | Senha de acesso: 338554

We appreciate that all participants keep the microphone muted until the moment(s) of debate. The host of the session reserves the right to expel the participant who does not respect the rules of the room.

Online open access activities such as this one do not grant a declaration of participation since such document will only be provided in events that provide for prior registration and controlled access.


Methodologies Series

Roundatble of Knowledges III