International Conference

Transforming Capitalism through Real Utopias. Featuring Erik Olin Wright’s legacy

January 23 and 24, 2020

Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra


23 January 2020

9:00h | Reception of participants

10:00h | Opening Session
CES Director; The School of Economics (FEUC) Dean; The University of Coimbra Rector

11:00h – 12:30h | 1st Plenary Lecture:
«Challenging capitalism: what class struggles?»
Keynote speaker: Fred Block (U. California/Davis)
Chair: Elísio Estanque (CES/FEUC/FSU)

12:30h – 14:00h – Lunch

15:00h – 17:00h: simultaneous thematic panels (programme here)

17:30h – 19:00h | 2nd Plenary Lecture:
«Genderless and inequality struggles»
Keynote Speaker: Gay Seidman (U. Wisconsin/ Madison)
Chair: Graça Capinha (CES/FLUC)


24 January 2020

9:30h – 11:30h: simultaneous thematic panels (programme here)

12:00h- 13:30h | 3rd Plenary Lecture:
«Real utopias and emancipation challenges»
Keynote Speaker: Boaventura de Sousa Santos (CES/FEUC)
Chair: Madalena Duarte (CES/FEUC) 


1. Real Utopias
2. Class Analysis
3. Genderlessness
4. Wealth and Income Inequalities
5. Changing the Capitalist State

The working languages are Portuguese and English.