Religion, religions, spiritualities: searching for alternative discourses
Teresa Toldy (CES/UFP)
October 20, 2020, 11h00 (GMT +01:00)
Online event
The seminar aims to address misconceptions related to epistemological temptations to reproduce discourses on the theme of religion and spirituality shaped from the Global North, namely, considering the universality of categories from the North applying them to the South or the Global South. The aim will be to test the epistemological possibilities of discourses and practices on the theme from the South.
Bio note
Teresa Toldy, PhD in Theology (feminist theology) at the Philosophisch-Theologische Hochschule Sankt Georgen (Frankfurt/Germany), Master in Theology (Catholic University, Lisbon) and 1st grade in Theology at the same University. Postdoctorate in CES. Professor at the Fernando Pessoa University. Teaches in the field of Ethics. Chair of the Ethics Comission of the same University (2012-2017, and from 2019 -).Researcher at CES. Co-coordinator of GT-POLICREDOS together with Júlia Garraio and Luciane Lucas Santos. Chair of the Portuguese Association of Feminist Theologies and former Vice-Chair of the Portuguese Association on Women's Studies (2009-2014). Member of the International Editorial Board of the Journal "Religion & Gender" and of the Editorial Board of the ESWTR Studies in Religion. Fields of specialization: religion; feminist studies. Other fields of interest: Citizenship. Publishes in the field of religion and feminist studies.
Under the Doctoral Programme Post-Colonialisms and Global Citizenship and POLICREDOS, working group on Religion in the Public Space Religião no Espaço Público
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