Towards a warmed up reason of justice: The experiences of Tseltal and Tsotsil women in their struggle for access to justice
Laura Edith Saavedra Hernández (Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí)
September 19, 2018, 15h30
Room 2, CES | Alta
Comments: Maria Paula Meneses (CES)
The following proposal aims to present the results of the doctoral research entitled “Construyendo justicia (s) más allá de la ley: Las experiencias de las mujeres indígenas que participan con el Centro de Derechos de la Mujer de Chiapas, A.C." [Building justice (s) beyond the law: The experiences of indigenous women who participate with the Centre for the Rights of Women of Chiapas, A.C.], focusing the analysis in two aspects; On the one hand, analysing the experiences of Tzeltal and Tsotsil women of the Highlands of Chiapas, Mexico in their struggle to obtain justice for the violence that they live in their communities, breaking down their course through the different instances of prosecution and administration of justice that exist in Mexico: the state justice of positive law and community justice of indigenous law, comparing the differences that exist in the context of legal pluralism. On the other hand, we propose an analysis from the knowledges of the women who participated in the research, the concepts of justice and violence, giving an account of the existence of warmed up justices that make sense of the search for justice of indigenous women, which differ from the universal conception of justice. In this sense the intention is to re-think the universal concept of justice and account for the dialogue of knowledges that exists on the concept that allows, beyond state laws, to think access to justice.
Bio note
Laura Edith Saavedra Hernández. Doctor in Anthropology (CIESAS-CDMX), Master in Gender Studies (COLMEX), Bachelor in Sociology (UNAM). She is currently a postdoctoral fellow at the Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí in Mexico, where she is working on a project called “Construyendo diálogos de saberes para el reconocimiento de los derechos humanos de las mujeres tseltales en Chiapas” [Building dialogues of knowledges for the recognition of the human rights of Tseltal women in Chiapas]. She is the winner of the Justice and Gender award granted by the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation. Her latest publication is "Retos y experiencias en la construcción de un peritaje antropológico con perspectiva de género: la lucha de Bertha por su derecho a la tierra" [Challenges and experiences in the construction of an anthropological expertise with a gender perspective: Bertha's struggle for her right to land], in: Desacatos. Magazine in Social Sciences, no. 57, CIESAS, México, 2018. Her research focuses on Justices, Violence against women, Human rights and legal pluralism.
Activity under the programme ALICE - Epistemologies of the South