
Port work and city restructuring: new projects in Chilean ports 

Hernan Cuevas (VRIM/Universidade de Concepción)

February 15, 2018, 18h00

Room 2, CES | Alta


 This seminar aims to present and discuss the problems of port work, taking into account the contexts in which it develops - the port cities - and the dynamics that are generated around it, paying special attention to the restructuring of the cities that host it.

Bio note
Hernan Cuevas
is a researcher at the Vice-Rectory of Institutional Relations and Association to the Environment (VRIM) at the University of Concepción (Chile). He is also the researcher responsible for Fondecyt regular Nuevos estudios de la ciudadanía: Historia, Transformaciones, Espacio and is a founding member of the Interdisciplinary Group on Port Cities Research at the University of Concepción