
The Network of Human Milk Banks in light of the gift theory: path and perspectives for the new millennium

Eliane Caldas Oliveira

João Aprígio Guerra de Almeida

Maria Amélia Cunha

January 11, 2018, 17h00

Room 1, CES | Alta


Human Milk Banks (HMBs) have existed since the last century. Today they are spaces for the promotion, protection and support of breastfeeding, which process Human Milk and, above all, provide assistance. They operate in Networks through the voluntary donation of human milk, destined to Neonatal Intensive Care Units attending to premature and low weight babies. The Network guarantees its connectivity through the mobilisation of the social actors involved and the production of knowledge. In this seminar we will present and discuss several issues, having as theoretical background the paradigm of the gift: the actions carried out in the HMBs; the paradigm shifts that occurred along the way; its importance for the health of women, children and society and its dissemination as a global policy.

Bio notes

Eliane Caldas Oliveira - PhD student at the Centre for Social Studies. BA in Clinical Psychology from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. MA in Psychology and Socio-Cultural Practices from the State University of Rio de Janeiro. PhD in Social Psychology from the State University of Rio de Janeiro. Public Health Researcher at FIOCRUZ.  Works at the BLH of IFF and in private practice. She has experience in the area of Psychology, with emphasis on daily life, working on the following topics: breastfeeding, human milk bank, network and solidarity, ethics and care.

João Aprígio Guerra de Almeida - Coordinator of the Global Network of Human Milk Bank. BA in Food Engineering from the Federal University of Viçosa, MA in Food Microbiology from the Federal University of Viçosa. PhD in Women and Children's Health from Instituto Fernandes Figueira - Fiocruz.  Experience in Collective Health, with emphasis on Public Health, working mainly on the following subjects: human milk bank, breastfeeding and quality control.

Maria Amélia Cunha - Nurse Specialist in Maternal Health and Obstetrics. Master's degree at UC on the subject Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome - of Therapeutics Prevention. Currently working at ARS Centro - ACES Baixo Mondego - Coimbra (Portugal). Is part of the Norton de Matos Community Care Unit as ESMO Nurse. Coordinates the Breastfeeding Committee of ACES Baixo Mondego.

Sílvia Portugal (Moderator) PhD in Sociology from UC. Assistant Professor at FEUC and Researcher at CES