International conference to honour Boaventura de Sousa Santos upon the 40th anniversary of the Centre for Social Studies
Imagining the future. Knowledges, experiences, alternatives
November 7 to 10, 2018
FEUC & UC Rectory Auditorium
7.11.2018 (School of Economics)
Parallel sessions (see programme)
8.11.2018 (Auditório da Reitoria)
9h30 Opening session
10h00 Keynote speech by Françoise Vergès, “The Price We Pay to Be Humanised” (chair: António Sousa Ribeiro)
12h00 Lunch break
14h00 Panel 1: Performing science (chair: João Arriscado Nunes)
Isabelle Stengers, Shiv Visvanathan, Hugh Lacey
16h30 Coffee break
17h00 Launching of the commemorative issue of Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais, presented by José Manuel Mendes
20h00 Official dinner (Venue: Tertúlia D'Eventos)
9.11.2018 (Auditório da Reitoria)
9h30 Panel 2: Thinking the Contemporary (chair: Miguel Cardina)
Mogobe Ramose, Rajeev Bhargava, Susan George
12h00 Lunch break
14h00 Panel 3: Another World Is Possible (chair: Madalena Duarte)
Gustavo Esteva, Nilma Gomes, Ramón Grosfoguel
16h30 Coffee break
17h00: Lecture by Boaventura de Sousa Santos, “The New Great Transformation and the Epistemologies of the South” (chair: Margarida Calafate Ribeiro)
19h00: Launching of Boaventura de Sousa Santos book: “O Fim do Império Cognitivo” (Almedina, 2018)
10.11.2018 (Auditório da Reitoria)
9h30 Panel 4: Encounters with Boaventura de Sousa Santos (chair: Bruno Sena Martins)
João Cézar Castro Rocha, Nelson Maldonado-Torres, Peter de Souza, Boaventura de Sousa Santos
12h30 Launching of the anthology of texts by Boaventura de Sousa Santos published by CLACSO, Construyendo las Epistemologías del Sur. Para un pensamiento alternativo de alternativas (presentation: Maria Paula Meneses)
13h30 Closing session