Internacional Workshop


May 18, 2018

Room 2, CES | Alta



- José Pedro Monteiro and Miguel Bandeira Jerónimo, On the legacies of empire.


- Margarida Calafate Ribeiro (CES-UC), Colonial Memories in European Postmemory

- Alexander Keese (University of Geneva), What shall we do with controversial memories? Discussing late colonial repression and the authoritarian post-independence past in Cabo Verde and São Tomé e Príncipe, 1974-2018.

- Miguel Cardina (CES-UC), Memories and Counter-Memories of the Colonial War.

12h15-14h00 Lunch


- Walter Rossa (DARQ | CES-UC), Heavy legacies: built heritage at the Portuguese speaking “region”.

- Nuno Domingos (ICS-UL), Popular culture and late colonialism in Mozambique: dynamics and legacies.

- Maria Margarida Marques (Nova/Migrações | FCSH-UNL), Colonial legacies and post-colonial societies: An analytical framework based on the case of Lisbon.

- Maria Paula Meneses (CES-UC), Colonial legacies in independent times: The entangled past in the present of the Mozambican state


- Elizabeth Buettner (KEYNOTE, University of Amsterdam), Diasporic Memories of Empire in Britain and the Netherlands.