Film session and debate

Citizen Science: seeking solutions towards new ways of being and doing

September 30, 2016, 22h30

Science Museum of the UC


Film: Catálise- processo em curso (43 minutes) is a documentary of the CATALISE Project, implemented by CICS.NOVA-UNL and CE3C-FCUL. The film brings to light initiatives in Portugal that propose alternative values and  solutions to the ecological crisis,  grounded in the local, and continuous individual and collective learnings. Following the film there will be time to share ideas and discuss issues collectively.

Moderator: Stefania Barca, Ecology and Society Study Group, Centre for Social Studies

Within the event «Noite europeia dos investigadores: ciência no dia a dia» organised in partnership with the Ecology and Society Study Group, Centre for Social Studies and the Association Coimbra em Transição.