
On the Atopic City: obscenity, power and death

Rogerio Proença Leite (CES)

April 23, 2015, 18h00

Room 2, CES-Coimbra


Reflections on the dimension of the excess that characterizes contemporary urban life. The transformation of the “subject of reason” in the reason that subjects the being, through value and consumption. The refusal to what is strange as negativity that makes the city obscene, and its resonances in city co-living.

Bio note

Rogerio Proença Leite is a Sociologist with a PhD in Social Sciences (UNICAMP),  Associate Professor IV at UFS/ Brazil. Professor of the Doctoral Programme in Sociology at UFS, collaborates with the MA Programme in Heritage at IPHAN (Rio de Janeiro) and the MA/PhD in Cities and Urban Cultures at the University of Coimbra. Leite currently is conducting a Postdoctoral Traineeship at CES, University of Coimbra with a fellowship from CAPES/Brazil.

Activity within the  Cities, Cultures, and Architecture Research Group (CCArq)