
Knowledge and Flavours in Hinyambaan by João Paulo Borges Coelho

Sheila Khan (CICS - Universidade do Minho)

February 26, 2015, 15h00

Room 1, CES-Coimbra


In the course of a “burlesque” journey from South Africa to Mozambique, two social and cultural worlds meet, in the light of the same challenge: how can a South with dialogue with its abyssal faces? This seminar seeks to consider, from a critical reading of Hinyambaan (2007), by Mozambican writer João Paulo Borges Coelho, the countless uneven faces of the global South, and in the wake of thought Boaventura Sousa Santos’ thought, validate that: “in the global South , weak answers translate into ideological impositions and violence of all kinds in the daily life of citizens, except for the elites that make up the small world of imperial South, the “representation” of the global North in the Global South” (Santos, 2008: 17).


Bio note

Sheila Khan - PhD in Ethnic and Cultural Studies from the University of Warwick, Khan is a researcher at the Centre for Research in Social Sciences, University of Minho. Kahn has been conducting research in the field of postcolonial studies on Portuguese language, focusing on the following topics: narrative, identity, colonial and post-colonial memory, epistemologies of the South, society-literature within African literature of Portuguese language. Among her recent published works are: Khan, Sheila (with) Hilary Owen (Manchester University), Ana Margarida Dias Martins (Cambridge University) and Carmen Ramos Villar (Sheffield University), co-editing of the thematic number “The Lusotropical Tempest: Postcolonial Debates in Portuguese”. “Lusophone Studies, Bristol University, 2012; Leite, Ana Mafalda, Khan, Sheila, Falconi, Jessica, Krakowska, Kamila (orgs.) (2012), Nação e Narrativa Pós-Colonial II-Angola e Mo-çambique [Nation and Postcolonial Narrative II- Angola and Mozambique: Interviews]. Lisbon: Colibri; Khan, Sheila, ‘O Imaginário do Império-Navio e o Inefável Namoro Brasil/Angola’ [The Ship-Empire Imaginary and the Ineffable Brazil/Angola Romance]. Revista Atlantic thematic issue, n.21. Simone Caputo (ed.), Brazil/Angola. São Paulo, USP, 2012, pp-127-138.