
Memory as ground of dispute and  research field. On two books by Enzo Traverso and Alessandro Portelli

António Sousa Ribeiro

João Paulo Avelãs Nunes

Rui Bebiano

November 27, 2013, 17h00

Room 1, CES-Coimbra


Over the past decades, memory has come to be formed in a privileged ground of analysis and academic debate. Important works have focused the  dynamics established between history and memory and the latter is shown as having been formed in a significant area of dispute and  fruitful field of investigation. This roundtable will discuss the theme of memory and the issues associated with it - its political uses, how it has acquired materiality and meaning in the contemporary world, its potential as a historical source - from two works recently translated into Portuguese: Enzo Traverso, O passado, modos de usar (2012, unipop) [Passé, mode d'emploi : Histoire, mémoire, politique, 2005, La Fabrique, Paris] and Alessandro Portelli, A morte de Luigi Trastulli e outros ensaios. Ética, Memória e Acontecimento na História Oral (2013, unipop) [The Death of Luigi Trastulli and Other Stories: Form and Meaning in Oral History (State University of New York Press, 1991)].


Interveners:  Rui Bebiano; António Sousa Ribeiro, João Paulo Avelãs Nunes (FLUC/CEIS20). Moderator:  José Neves (FCSH/IHC)

Organization: Humanities, Migration and Peace Studies Research Group (NHUMEP), 25th April Centre of Documentation (CD25A) and Unipop

Coordenationo: Miguel Cardina e Rui Bebiano