Poerty reading

CES at the University of Coimbra's 13th Cultural Week

March 3 and 4, 2011, 18h00

Academic Theatre Gil Vicente


March 3rd


"Resident Poets"
Poetry reading by the resident poet: Juan Armando Rojas Joo (Mexico/USA), under the Programme Resident Poets of FLUC (with the support of Idanha-a-Nova City Council).

March 4th


Oficina de PoesiaLaunching session of the issue no. 15 of the Journal Oficina de Poesia: Revista da Palavra e da Imagem. In this poetry reading by the poets from the Oficina de Poesia, the resident poet Juan Armando Rojas Joo (Mexico/USA) will also participate.

Biographic Note

Juan Armando Rojas Joo is a Mexican poet, with several publish poetry books, like Lluvia de lunas, (1999), Río vertebral (2002), Santuarios desierto mar (2004) and Ceremonial de viento / Ceremonial of Wind (2006). He also is one of the organizers of the anthology Canto a una ciudad en el desierto (2004).  Juan Armando Rojas Joo is Professor of Spanish and Latin-American Literature at the Ohio Wesleyan University (USA).

Organization: Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures and the project "Oficina de Poesia" (FLUC/CES).

Note: Within the University of Coimbra's 13th Cultural Week