Monocultural perspectives and places of absence: cordel literature from Brazil and Portugal
Maria Isaura Rodrigues (Pós-doutoranda CES)
December 7, 2010, 18h00
Seminar Room (2nd Floor), CES-Coimbra
This seminar aims to present the results from the CES Post-Doctoral project, now at its final stage, with the main goal of reflecting on the relational processes between cordel literature from Brazil and Portugal. The intention is to draw attention to the monocultural perspectives which define the comparative approaches between these two literary practices and, with that, by taking a reverse route, cast a questioning look at the invisibilities and places of absence created by the conformity to regime legitimating rules of hegemonic discourse. The establishment of this perspective requires adopting a critical review attitude which consists on considering the integration factors between cordel literature from Brazil and Portugal outside the scope of dual reasoning of the Self and the Other, which is characteristic of the western tradition, based on which it has been viewed, in a more or less restrained way, in order to, giving way to a different point of view, observe the experiences of displacement characteristic of the distinct production course of Brazilian and Portuguese cordel literature, which were followed by combining elements of complicities and conflicts responsible for cultural hybridisms.
Biographic Note
Maria Isaura Rodrigues Pinto is a Post-Doctoral student at the Centre for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra, under the supervision of Professor Graça Capinha. She holds a Doctoral Degree in Comparative Literature by the Fluminense Federal University and lectures at the Department of Humanities of the School of Teacher Education of the State University of Rio de Janeiro (FFP/UERJ). Her research focuses on the field of Comparative Cultural Studies.