
Portuguese language in Maputo: social-historical contexts and the issue of incorporation of European languages in Mozambique

Gregório Domingos Firmino (Universidade Eduardo Mondlane)

September 28, 2010, 17h00

CES Seminar Room (2nd Floor), CES-Coimbra


The goal of this presentation is to increase the discussion on language issues in Africa, by questioning the incorporation of European languages. Based on social-historical factors which document the establishment of the Portuguese language in Maputo, this presentation will attempt to widen the scope of analysis of the new perspectives present in Mozambique, in terms of language politics and planning.


Biographic Note:

Gregório Domingos Firmino holds a Doctoral Degree in Anthopology by the Berkeley University, California.He teaches at the Eduardo Mondlane University, Mozambique, and been working on the language policies of Mozambique.One of his published works is “A ‘questão linguística’ na África pós-colonial : o caso português e das línguas autóctones em Moçambique” ( “The ‘language issue’ in Post-Colonial Africa: the case of the Portuguese language and native languages in Mozambique”) (Maputo, Promédia).


Organization:Research Group on Democracy, Multicultural citizenship and Participation - NEDCMP and Research Group on Comparative Cultural Studies - NECC.