
«Línguas Glocais | Vozes do Sul». Ed. Manuela Guilherme

Mercado de Letras | 2022


This book constitutes a mosaic of reports of curricular experiences carried out by some lecturers, from only three universities, who had the professional generosity to collaborate with the Glocademics Project funded by the European Commission (2014-2017).

The main objective of this project, which included a 2-year study in Brazil, was to analyse plurilingualism and intercultural epistemological exchange between Brazilian researchers, from the Social Sciences and Humanities and Life Sciences, and their European and Latin American peers. This book results from a previous study on the teaching of some languages in higher education in these three universities in order to contextualize the baseline study with the research teams.

This previous study sought to find a theoretical and practical support for a new terminology proposed for this project - 'glocal languages' - that would offer examples of curricular perspectives and pedagogical planning that would inspire the local perception of languages with a global spectrum for a 'glocal' realization.


Book Presentation: Saturday, 12 Novemeber 2022. 16h00 (GMT)
Quinta dos Girassóis, Rua Cabeça do Carvalho, 300, Cerejeira, Ferreira do Zêzere, 2240-333, Portugal OU
ID: 894 2036 4625 | Senha: 404190

Presentation by Elsa Lechner (Researcher, Centre for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra) and Kleber Aparecido da Silva (Professor, University of Brasília (Visiting Scholar, Lemann Center for Educational Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Brazil, Stanford University, California, United States of America) Editor of the Series Estudos Críticos em Linguagens, Ed. Mercado de Letras