World Children's Day

«Professions Game» launched as an initiative for the deconstruction of gender stereotypes

World Children's Day, which is celebrated on June 1st, is primarily intended to draw attention to the rights of children, namely, the right to live in an environment of peace and harmony that contributes to their full development.

Celebrated worldwide, it aims to continue promoting an improvement in their living conditions. However, it is also a date to reflect on the defence of their rights, and to move from plan to action.

The Professions Game is a joint initiative of Rosa Monteiro, Secretary of State for Citizenship and Equality, Women in Tech® in Portugal, the Centre for Social Studies (CES) of Coimbra University and Ironhack Lisbon. It was developed by members of the Comunidade Raparigas do Código and illustrated by the designer Rita do Mar.

It also has the support of DNS.PT and the KINDER Project - Tackling gender stereotypes in education and early childhood: building a Gender-Responsive Pedagogy in Children´s Education (CES/UC) and Promundo Portugal, intending, on this World Children's Day, to call attention to gender stereotypes still existing in the choice of professions, passed on to children from an early age.

Gender stereotypes are pre-conceived or generalised ideas about characteristics and roles that men and women assume. These ideas and expectations can be transmitted through peer interaction, family influence, in schools, through stories, clothes, toys, books and games. These prejudices are at the root of the deep inequalities between men and women.

In recent decades, efforts to promote behavioural change regarding the gender-differentiated attitudes, norms and expectations of boys and girls in relation to their lives and choices have brought together professionals from various fields, from academia to politics, from activism to the private sector.

This initiative brought together several entities that jointly and voluntarily started a project that aims to provide simple, interactive, inclusive and educational games, content and information on these issues, available to the entire educational community and families.



Source: Government of Portugal