Colonial Legacies in Times of 'Black Lives Matter'

CES Studies

Direito, estado e sociedade: uma análise da legislação de combate ao racismo em Portugal

Ana Rita Alves

Inês Oliveira

Sara Fernandes

Silvia Rodríguez Maeso

Caderno de apresentação de resultados do projeto COMBAT-CES


This booklet questions the institutionalisation of racism in Portugal from the analysis of the implementation of legislation to combat racial discrimination. It presents an analysis of the administrative offence proceedings initiated by the Commission for Equality and Against Racial Discrimination - under laws 134/99 and 18/2004 - between 2006 and 2016, and ended by 20 February 2020, in three areas: education, housing/neighbourhood and security forces. In addition, the study developed an in-depth study of the implementation of legislation in cases concerning the invention of security forces with a focus on complaints by citizens/citizens of African descent and Roma. The relationship between state, law and society is discussed by questioning the notions of "equal treatment", "discrimination" and "racial hatred", and their consequences for an understanding (or silencing) of racism in Portugal.