CES elects new governing bodies
16 June 2023
Following the call for general elections, the Centre for Social Studies has recently elected new governing bodies. On June 12th the election for the Board of Directors, General Assembly, and Audit Committee took place. On June 15th elections were held for the Standing Committee of the Scientific Board.
The two elections were well participated and the support for the candidate lists for each body was significant, which conveys confidence to the elected teams that CES associates are committed and motivated to continue to develop the advanced, critical, quality research, with social responsibility, that characterises CES. CES now has Tiago Santos Pereira as its new Director. CES Researcher since 2003, he assumes the direction of the institution with researchers Antonieta Reis Leite and Paula Abreu as Vice-directors.
From the election for the Standing Committee of the Scientific Board resulted the renewal of the mandate of the Presidency, assured by Ana Cordeiro Santos (President) and by Researchers Ana Raquel Matos, Fernando Fontes, João Paulo Providência and Marta Araújo (Vice-Presidents).
The Board of Directors and Presidency of the Scientific Board are committed to work in a collaborative way with the objective of assuring the best conditions for the development of a critical, relevant and social impact research, which has been the mark of CES as an Associated Laboratory.
The two bodies are committed to a programme that responds adequately to the needs of the community and to external recommendations, in order to promote a healthy working environment free from all forms of harassment.
To this end it counts on all CES associated members, post-doctoral and visiting researchers, junior researchers, doctoral students and its technical staff.
Tiago Santos Pereira is Principle Investigator at CES since 2003. With a DPhil in Science and Technology Policy Studies, from SPRU, University of Sussex, his research, drawing on Science and Technology Studies (STS) and Innovation Studies, has focused on the policies and governance of science and technology and the modes of articulation of knowledge between public sector research, business, public decision making and society. He is Co-Director of the Doctoral Programme 'Governance, Knowledge and Innovation'. He is coordinating researcher at CoLABOR - Collaborative Laboratory for Work, Employment and Social Protection, where he carries out research on Labour, Employment and Technology He was appointed member of the National Council for Science, Technology and Innovation (CNCTI). He is Vice-Chair of the OECD Working Party on Innovation and Technology Policy (TIP) and National Delegate to the OECD Committee on Science and Technology Policy (CSTP). He has collaborated with the European Commission, UNESCO, CYTED and other international institutions on governance and funding of science, technology and innovation.
CES, an Associated Laboratory, has today a large and diversified research team, with nearly 300 researchers and almost 500 students in the 12 doctoral programmes in which CES is a scientific partner. With an average of 90 active projects per year, in the last five years, 75% of CES' funding is ensured through national and international competitive processes, especially at a European level. Its intense activity results in relevant scientific indicators: more than 600 publications per year and almost 500 public events are organised per year, mobilising almost 20,000 participants. Over the last few years, the CES has also consolidated its technical structure, including a reference Library.