Contributions to democracy and Human Rights
May 6, 2025, 15h00
Room 1, CES | Alta
The DemoJUST Doctoral Workshops aim to promote meetings between students enrolled in doctoral programmes and/or members of CES Working Groups, during which they can present and discuss their research topics among peers in an open, safe and critically constructive environment.
Based on an aggregating theme entitled Justice, Human Rights and Democracy: Critical Perspectives and Legal Pluralisms - and with a theoretical and/or methodological focus close to the DemosJUST Research Group, each Workshop will have 3 doctoral students and 2 commentators as active participants, with the aim of fostering synergies with and between doctoral students, researchers and lecturers associated with CES. The workshops will last a maximum of 2 hours.
Theme: Contributions to democracy and human rights
1- Rachel Carvalho (Doctoral Programme in Democracy in the 21st Century): “Political Education for Democracy in Civil Society Organisations: an analysis of grassroots associations in Brazil and Cape Verde”
2- Gustavo Mariano (Doctoral Programme in Human Rights in Contemporary Societies): “Human Rights Discourses in the Production of Sex Education Policies in Portugal”
3- Daniel Morais (Doctoral Programme in Feminist Studies): "Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist: disputing gender authenticity in populist contexts”
Comments: Ana Lúcia Santos (tbc) and Cristiano Gianolla (tbc)
Activity within the research group Democracy, justice and human rights (DemoJUST)
DemoJUST Doctoral Workshops
Justice, Human Rights and Democracy: Critical Perspectives and Legal Pluralisms