
Gender-based violence, media and feminisms

October 7, 2024, 11h00

Room 1, CES | Alta

The seminar explores the intersections between gender-based violence, media and feminisms. It discusses how the media influences public perceptions and attitudes towards gender-based violence, the ethical responsibilities of the media in reporting such incidents, as well as the potential of feminisms for social transformation in this area.

This seminar, held as part of the activities of the project UnCoveR - Sexual Violence in Portuguese Mediascape, marks the start of the Media and Sexual Violence School. It features lectures by consultants Karen Boyle (University of Strathclyde, Scotland) and Carla Cerqueira (Lusófona University) and the presentation of two books in which researchers from the project were involved: #MeToo - Um segredo muito público by Sílvia Roque, Rita Santos, Maria João Faustino and Júlia Garraio (Avenida da Liberdade Editores, 2024) and Apps e Jovens Adultos: Contributos para um Mapeamento de Práticas Mediadas, edited by Inês Amaral, Ana Marta Flores and Eduardo Antunes (University of Minho, 2024).

UnCoveR is the first comprehensive transdisciplinary study on sexual violence in the Portuguese mediascape. It studies how the media reported, discussed and imagined sexual violence between 2011 and 2022 and how audiences interacted with these mediatised narratives.

Activity organised as part of the projects UnCoveR - Sexual Violence in Portuguese Mediascape ( and Dis/entangling Rape: Sexual Violence in Portuguese literature and cinema in the 21st century (, in collaboration with the Observatory and the GPS-CES working group.