
Urban Sketchers in the face of time and space: an anachronistic and global story

Paulo Torres (Instituto Federal Catarinense)

June 4, 2024, 17h00

Room 2, CES | Alta

Moderator: Carlos Fortuna (FEUC/CES) | Comments: Gonçalo C. Moniz (DARq/CES)


The aim is to reflect on the relationship between sketchers from different parts of the world, emphasising the different scales within the movement (local groups/international symposiums, local meetings/internet contacts, local specificities/global practises). The seminar also reflects on the images produced by sketchers, based on visual anthropology, which seeks to approach the image throughout the process, not just in its result, observing everything from the context of production to its exhibition. It also seeks to dialogue with more dynamic temporal perspectives, so that we can observe the appropriation of practices from the past, such as drawing/painting en plein air, making travel notebooks, and exploratory walks around the city. The sketcher's city is (micro)territorialised in an affective, sensitive and/or critical way: in the face of the fast-paced, individualistic and spectacularised contemporary context, urban sketching is seen as a practice of resistance to the brutalities of contemporary urban life, devising creative ways of dealing with its dynamics and discomforts.

Bio note 

Paulo Torres | PhD candidate in History at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), research line “History of Historiography, Art, Memory and Heritage”, supervised by Maria Bernardete Ramos Flores. He has a degree in History (2010) and a specialisation in Art History (2014), both from the University of Southern Santa Catarina (Unisul). Master's degree in Visual Arts/Theory and History of Art from Santa Catarina State University (Udesc), supervised by Sandra Makowiecky. Torres has been teaching History at the Federal Institute of Santa Catarina (IFC), Ibirama campus, since February 2016 and is involved in Art History teaching projects. His research involves Art History and Cities in their multiple sensitivities and temporalities, with an emphasis on the contemporary Urban Sketchers movement. Torres is currently doing a doctoral internship at the University of Coimbra, at the Centre for Social Studies, under the supervision of Carlos Fortuna.