
All times will overlap

Until 2 March,13h00-18h00 (Tuesday to Saturday)

Sala da Cidade (Coimbra)

Silence IV | “Listen! A Wind Has Died. Don't You Realise? We're Gardeners, Not Flowers.”
S. Sebastião Aqueduct, Coimbra) © Moirika Reker Gilberto Reis

Part of the “Caring for a Country series, this exhibition is about art, architecture, and the territory, co-organised by Coimbra City Council, the Coimbra Plastic Arts Circle (CAPC), the Department of Architecture (DARq), the Centre for Social Studies and the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra (FEUC), which aims to “demonstrate, through heterogeneous proposals, how, in this adverse context, architecture and art have been able to find strategies that structure the territory, recreate it and revive its deepest fabric, recapturing its forgotten possibilities and consolidating it.”

António Belém Lima (with Associação Bairro Alagoas), Ano Zero - Bienal de Coimbra, Bartolomeu Costa Cabral (with the Central Library of the University of Beira Interior and Casa da Taipa, in Beja), Colectivo Zás, Maria Manuela Oliveira (with Largo do Toural, in collaboration with the artist Ana Jotta), Nuno Valentim (with the Bolhão Market), Pedro Maurício Borges (with the Capela de Netos), Pedro Matos Gameiro and Pedro Domingos (with the Grândola Library), and Walk&Talk are the architects and projects selected for this exhibition.

“These are proposals that intervene against the current and on a scale of proximity, reinforcing the identity of places and their ability to structure our time. Armed with all the knowledges, they can be the trigger that leads to the inversion of this unidirectional paradigm and makes it possible to change the cycle of emptying and impoverishment, reclaiming urbanity, proposing more ethics and more aesthetics” says the presentation of this exhibition.