
Rethinking Portuguese heritage of the modern era (arts and architecture, 16th-18th centuries) 

December 2, 2024, 15h00

Room 2, CES | Alta


15h00 | Welcome

Giuseppina Raggi and Antonieta Reis Leite

15h30 | Question Time

African Europeans, John Blanke and the film by Fred Kudjo Kuwornu at the Biennale di Venezia 2024 by Giuseppina Raggi (CES-UC)

16h00-17h30 | Cross dialogue

Rethinking the social history of modern arts and architecture by Hugo Ribeiro da Silva (FLUP)

New frameworks for the Atlantic islands by Antonieta Reis Leite (CES-UC)

Interrogating the Mondego by looking at the Sado by Rui Lobo (CES-UC and DARQ-UC)

Artistic legacies around Lisbon's enslaved and freed African communities. Renewed interest; renewed perspectives by Paulo Almeida Fernandes (PP-ML and IHA-FCSH-UNL)

What about the music of the modern era? Between representation and informed restitution by Iskrena Yordanova (Divino Sospiro-CEMSP and CESEM-FCSH-UNL)

Citizen science as a methodology for developing participatory processes in the relationship with the arts and heritage by Cláudia Pato de Carvalho (CES-UC)

Contemporary art to interpret the past by Margarida Calafate Ribeiro (CES-UC)

17h30-18h00 | Case studies and conclusions