Talk + Debate | | SHARP Talks
Beyond morality, existence: the agency of evangelical women on the margins of the state
Jacqueline Moraes Teixeira (Universidade de Brasília)
June 12, 2024, 17h00 (GMT+1)
Online event
The purpose of this session is to discuss data that demonstrates the complexity of the relationship between evangelical communities, women, and their conditions of existence within a State (under the Democratic Rule of Law). As a result of the last presidential elections in Brazil, there is a perception of the use of “moral agendas” as vote-getters among evangelicals. However, the notion of morality alone does not solve a bigger problem for many evangelical communities, mostly made up of black women. The bigger problem being the conditions of existence on the margins in the face of a State that does not reach them. In this sense, this SHARP Talk will discuss how a racial/racist State project and evangelical institutions do or do not constitute community possibilities of existence in Brazil, highlighting the agency of evangelical women and their production of health.
Commentator: Luciane Lucas dos Santos (CES)
Bio note
Jacqueline Moraes Teixeira | Adjunct Professor in the Department of Sociology at the University of Brasilia. PhD in Social Anthropology from the University of São Paulo (USP), where she also obtained a master's degree. She has a degree in Social Sciences (USP/2008) and a degree in Theology (Mackenzie Presbyterian University/2012). She is a researcher at Cebrap (Brazilian Centre for Analysis and Planning) carrying out research into gender, race, sexuality, and religion. Furthermore, she is a researcher at Mecila (Maria Sibylla Merian Centre Conviviality-Inequality in Latin America) and a collaborating researcher at ISER (Institute for the Study of Religion) and Numas (USP's Centre for Social Markers of Difference). Teixeira carried out a post-doctoral internship at CEM (Centre for Metropolitan Studies), linked to USP's Department of Political Science. She is currently vice-coordinator of the ABA's Commission on Laicity and Democracy and a member of the Cadernos Pagu editorial committee. As well as being a professor at UnB, she is currently a collaborating professor in the area of Education and Social Sciences: Inequalities and Differences in the Postgraduate Programme in Education at USP.
Session in partnership with the POLICREDOS working group | Religions and Society
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