
Towards a social history of the built environment: research perspectives 

May 18, 2023, 14h30 (GMT+1)

Online event


By crossing research excellence coordinated by researchers based in Portugal with an interdisciplinary approach "Towards a social history of the built environment", this seminar proposes to articulate and debate the most recent methodologies and research lines developed within collective projects in the comprehensive field of History and Theory of Architecture, intersecting with the experiences and research networks of the CES Thematic Line 5 “Urban Cultures, Sociabilities and Participation”.

The seminar aims to debate how these new approaches have influenced the most relevant research projects in this field coordinated by researchers based in Portugal.


14h30: Introduction

14h40: Soraya Genin, “Franciscan Landscapes: the Observance between Italy, Portugal and Spain”.

15h00: Alice Santiago Faria, “Technoscientific Networks in the Construction of the Built Environment in the Portuguese Empire (1647-1871)”

15h20: Ricardo Agarez, “Built Environment Knowledge for Resilient, Sustainable Communities: Understanding Everyday Modern Architecture and Urban Design in the Iberian Peninsula (1939-1985)”

15h40: André Tavares, “Fishing Architecture: The Ecological Continuum between Buildings and Fish Species”

16h: Debate

16h30: Closing


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